Free Robots.txt Generator - AI Seo Tools

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Robots.txt Generator

Default - Tous les robots sont:  
Plan du site: (laissez en blanc si vous n'en avez pas) 
Robots de Recherche: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Répertoires restreints: Le chemin est relatif à root et doit contenir une barre oblique "/"

Maintenant, créez le fichier "robots.txt" dans votre répertoire racine. Copiez le texte ci-dessus et collez-le dans le fichier texte.

Sur Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and search engine bots about which pages or sections of the website should be indexed and crawled. A robots.txt file is a text file that is placed in the root directory of a website and provides instructions to web crawlers about which pages should be crawled and which pages should be avoided.

Creating a robots.txt file can be a technical task for website owners who are not familiar with coding or web development. To make this process easier, our free Robots.txt Generator tool allows website owners to create custom robots.txt files for their websites without any technical knowledge.

The Robots.txt Generator tool is a user-friendly online tool that enables website owners to create and customize their robots.txt files easily. The tool provides a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to add or exclude URLs or directories from being crawled by web robots.

The Robots.txt Generator tool helps website owners improve their search engine visibility by providing greater control over the content that is crawled by search engines. By using this tool, website owners can instruct search engine bots to crawl the most important pages of their website and avoid indexing pages that are irrelevant or duplicate content.

The tool is especially useful for website owners who have large websites with many pages and want to prioritize which pages should be crawled first. This can help to ensure that search engines are crawling and indexing the most important pages of the website, which can help to improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.

Another important benefit of the Robots.txt Generator tool is that it can help website owners to protect their sensitive or confidential data from being crawled by search engines. By excluding specific directories or pages from being crawled, website owners can ensure that sensitive data, such as login pages or personal information, is not visible to search engines.

Using the Robots.txt Generator tool is easy and straightforward. To generate a robots.txt file, users simply need to enter their website URL into the tool and specify which pages or directories should be allowed or disallowed to be crawled by web robots. The tool provides a preview of the robots.txt file, which can be downloaded and uploaded to the website's root directory.

In conclusion, our free Robots.txt Generator tool is a valuable resource for website owners who want to improve their search engine visibility and control the access of web robots to their website. The tool is easy to use and provides a user-friendly interface that allows website owners to create custom robots.txt files without any technical knowledge. By using this tool, website owners can ensure that search engine bots are crawling and indexing the most important pages of their website while protecting sensitive or confidential data from being crawled by search engines.